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Visitor Follow Up Letter – Christmas Service

Dear [Visitor],

We hope this letter finds you well. We want to thank you for joining us at our Christmas service last Sunday. It was a pleasure to have you with us, and we hope that you enjoyed the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

At [Church Name], we believe that the Christmas season is a time to come together and celebrate the love and hope that Jesus brings to the world. We hope you felt that spirit of love and hope during your time with us.


Church Christmas Letter – Home for Christmas

Christmas Greetings!

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and be sure to invite you to Services here at (NAME OF CHURCH).

We often hear the words spoken or sung about being “home for Christmas.” These words can bring great comfort to the heart as so many of us think of Christmas gatherings with friends and loved ones that were a great blessing.

Yet, I want to take that further and invite you and your loved ones to attend your “Church Home” for Christmas services. I realize so many of you are already planning to join us, but perhaps some are considering other activities during this busy time of year.


Christmas Carol Invitation Letter


Christmas Season Greetings!

One of the most enjoyable things we can do during this time is to gather together to sing Christmas Carols!

I invite you and your loved ones to join us as we do our best to spread Christmas cheer as we minister in song.

You don't have to be an official “singer,” but bring your best smile along and be ready to share the love of Jesus Christ with people who need to hear this message of hope!


Christmas Letter – The Life Came Down

Christmas Greetings!

There is a beautiful quote that I wanted to share with you, which shares the sacrificial nature of the incarnation of Christ.  We often only think of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, but His sacrificial giving started years before the cross!

“The Life came down, that He might be slain; the Bread came down, that He might hunger; the Way came down, that He might be wearied in the way; the Fountain came down, that He might thirst.” – Augustine of Hippo

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 7:14 (NKJV) 14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.


Christmas Letter 2022 – Wise Men Still Seek Him

Christmas Season Greetings!

We can read the story of the Wise Men following the star to worship Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12. Please take some time to read that story as we come into the Christmas season.

The attitude of the Wise Men who came from a long distance away to honor the Christ Child is the same attitude humanity needs today in seeking.

The first chapter of Matthew represents the Lord Jesus as a Jew, the Son of David, the long-expected Messiah.

The second chapter tells us that the Gentiles are also interested in the newborn Savior.