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Invitation to Christmas Service – Peace on Earth Theme

Warm Greetings!

I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you and your family to our Christmas service on Sunday, (DATE) at (TIME).

We are looking forward to a wonderful time of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

This world seems to have the mentality lately that the best way to have “peace on earth” is to somehow move away from the Prince of Peace.


Letter Encouraging Christmas Offering for Pastor and Staff

Dear Friends,

Once again, we come to this very special time of the year in which we celebrate and appreciate the birth of Jesus Christ. In this season, we do our best to reach out and be a blessing to our families, as well as others who mean a lot to us.

On behalf of the Church Board/Council, I would like to extend an invitation to the congregation of (NAME OF CHURCH) to show our love and appreciationto the Pastor(s) and Staff who continue to serve us so faithfully and go “above and beyond” in so many ways to be a blessing to us.

The Bible says; 1 Timothy 5:17 (NKJV) 17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.


Church Letter of Encouragement to Homebound at Christmas

Dear [Church Member],

We hope this letter finds you well. As Christmas approaches, we wanted to take a moment to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We know that this holiday season may be a little different for you as you are unable to physically join us in church. However, we want you to know that you are not alone and that you are still an important part of our church community.

