These Church Invitation Letters are a great way for churches to get the word out about upcoming events taking place at the church or even within the local community.
Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience, therefore, they come from the heart of a Pastor! Your ministry efforts will be greatly enhanced.
These invitation letter templates are just a few of over 1,100 modifiable full-text letters within over 60 categories!
Join our site today for complete access to our vast selection of letters and welcomes. As a result, you will enjoy saving time, money and connect more with your congregants and community!
These letters a great way to invite your own congregants to a church service or event. In addition, this practice sets an example for your people to invite their own friends and family to church!
I wanted to take this opportunity to send this Mother’s Day Invitation to everyone!
We will be doing something a bit different this year than we have done before, and I think you are going to appreciate it.
As a Pastor, I often speak with ladies who share that there are times Mother’s Day is one of the most difficult days on the church calendar for them and after hearing a few of their thoughts,
When I was a child, I was always confused by the phrase “Good Friday.” Usually, we don’t look upon the death of a loved one and call it “good.” On the contrary, we grieve and mourn for the loss of life. That being said, how could the day of our Savior’s violent death be called good?
We are thrilled to be able to invite you to our Christmas Musical for this year will be held on (DAY, DATE and TIME).
This is without a doubt, one of the highlights of the year here at (NAME OF CHURCH) as people come to hear the Good News of Christ's birth celebrated through beautiful songs and powerful music scores shared by our Choir and Orchestra!