These Church Invitation Letters are a great way for churches to get the word out about upcoming events taking place at the church or even within the local community.
Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience, therefore, they come from the heart of a Pastor! Your ministry efforts will be greatly enhanced.
These invitation letter templates are just a few of over 1,100 modifiable full-text letters within over 60 categories!
Join our site today for complete access to our vast selection of letters and welcomes. As a result, you will enjoy saving time, money and connect more with your congregants and community!
These letters a great way to invite your own congregants to a church service or event. In addition, this practice sets an example for your people to invite their own friends and family to church!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
We are excited to see growth here at First Christian Church, and one of the particular areas that is expanding at a good pace is our nursery. I know that either as a nursery worker, or Mother that is not news to you!
It’s not very often that we ask members of the congregation to keep secrets from the pastor and his wife, but this is an exception to that rule. We know the secret will be safe with you!
This month, Pastor and Mrs. Doe will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. We thought it would be special if we, as a church family, honored them by hosting a SURPRISE anniversary celebration.
The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due (Rom 13:7), and we can all agree that our pastor and his family are worthy of honor for all the sacrifices that they have made so that our church can grow.
I am writing to invite you and your spouse to our annual Marriage Seminar at Christian Life Church on Tuesday, May 1st, 2008. Every year, we reach out to the married couples in our congregation to share their experiences as well as receive guidance from our speakers. This will be a warm, informative seminar that is aimed to help with one of the most relationships in life.
In the spirit of Christian fellowship and recreation for our young people, we will be starting a basketball program for youth ages 12-17. We want to offer this opportunity not only to for our church members, but to churches in the surrounding area as well.