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Easter Service Welcome 2021 (1)

Good morning!

We want to extend a warm welcome to our Easter 2021 service to all of you who are either with us here in person or watching online!

Let me take a moment right here at the beginning of the service to let you know that Jesus Christ is STILL alive and well! I realize we live in a world filled with challenges, and many of them may not seem to have an answer at this moment. Yet, we believe with all our hearts that not only is there “an” answer, but Jesus is THE answer for all you are facing!


Welcome to Church Palm Sunday

Good morning!

We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today here at (NAME OF CHURCH)! Whether you are joining us here in the Sanctuary or watching online, we trust that this service will be an encouragement to you!

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed Donkey which was hardly the typical transportation for a King. The people believed this would be when they would finally break free from the oppressive Roman rule.

They waved palm branches and proclaimed praises to Him, yet those same people would be shouting a far different message just a few short days later. That message would be “crucify Him” as it became clear to them that His Kingdom would not be one that would overcome the Romans at that time.


Easter Encouragement Elderly Homebound

Resurrection Greetings!

Here we are again at that beautiful time of year we know as Easter. Many have rightly called it Resurrection Sunday because that gets our focus more on the amazing event that took place on that day so I wanted to take a moment to send you some “Easter Encouragement”!

Jesus Christ rose from the grave!

As we enter this Holiday season, I'm reminded that not everyone can get out of the home to celebrate in person. Whether it be due to illness or advanced age, things are different than they used to be. This time can be quite lonely and challenging, especially as you see others you would like to be with at this time.


Easter Letter Christ is Victorious

Christ is Victorious!

There is a hymn by the title of “Victory in Jesus,” and the lyrics of the chorus are:

“Oh, victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He sought me, and He bought me with His redeeming blood. He loved me ‘ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him. He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood!”

I doubt any of us would ever say we like to experience defeat in our lives. At least for me, I would rather be a part of a winning team than a losing team. My friend, I pray that you remember it's because of our Savior's Resurrection over 2,000 years ago that the victory WAS, IS, and WILL BE ours!


Easter Visitor Follow-up Letter


I wanted to take a moment to send you this letter of thanks for joining us for Easter Sunday here at (NAME OF CHURCH)!

While these are very challenging days to be living, I have no doubt whatsoever that we can come through in victory. The reason I know that is because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago!

The Resurrection was validation of the message of hope Jesus shared with the people He came into contact with while on earth. The people He spoke life into were those who were often looked down upon by the religious crowd.