Grace and peace to you as we embark on a journey of reflection, meditation, worship, and service over the course of the next several weeks.
The Lenten season differs in many ways from the Advent season: we don’t have a hanging of the greens, we don’t sing carols, and instead of anticipating the birth of the Christ child, we prepare ourselves for His death and resurrection.
We often hear people say they would like a little “peace and quiet.” I think we can all say a hearty “amen” to that, especially with all that is taking place in our world right now. Yet, I wanted to take a few moments to encourage you today on this thought of “peace.”
At times, we have wrongly concluded that peace is simply the absence of conflict of any kind, yet we forget that Jesus came into a world that was filled with political and moral turmoil. Yet, He was, and IS the Prince of Peace!
As we begin another year, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some words of encouragement with you from the Word of God.
So often, we “over promise” on our New Year Resolutions! At least I have found that's something that I have done in the past. We resolve to lose weight, read the Bible and pray every day, stop being so cranky, be more thankful, and the list could go on and on.
Yet, it seems Paul the Apostle had an excellent approach in the Word of God as he wrote to the Philippian believers. This scripture is often shared at the beginning of the year because there is a powerful truth in it!
On this first Sunday of (YEAR), we want to welcome you today to (Name of Church)!
Whether you are here in person or watching online, we pray that you will take the time to put aside the distractions of this past week, and even past year and get your focus on Jesus!
Psalm 122:1 says; I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Isn't it great to be in the house of the Lord today?
Most likely you are like the rest of us here who are absolutely thrilled to say “good-bye” to a year that presented challenges we've never seen before! I have no doubt there are many things you would like to forget, but hopefully there are many more things you want to remember.
There's a beautiful scripture I would like to share with you that no doubt you have read or sung at one point in your walk with the Lord. Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
While I have little doubt that the vast majority of us are happy to see the year (YEAR) in the “rear-view mirror,” so to speak, we know that the simple changing of a calendar will not fix everything wrong in our world.