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Church Letter Writing Tip 10

Each Church Letter Writing Tip builds off an acrostic based on the words “Church Letters”.  At the bottom of each tip is a free sample church letter which may be used within your own church communications.  This letter may not be posted on any competitive website.

Church Letter Writing Tip 10


Our tenth lesson in “13 Tips For Church Letter Writing Success” will again build off the letter “T” in our Church Letters acrostic.

So far, we have looked at the following:

C – Be Clear

H – Be Hopeful

U – Be Understanding

R – Be Responsive

C – Be Consistent

H – Be Helpful

L – Be “Letter-Ready”

E – Be Evangelistic

T – Be Tactful

Today, we will take a look at:

T – Be Timely


This is similar to a previous point on being “Letter-Ready”.

Being timely is knowing when to send a letter or e-mail and then sending it off with a prayer for God's anointing and blessing to be upon the reader as they open it.

In the “Send Out Cards” system, the founder of the system Kody Bateman encourages people to send cards when they are “prompted” within themselves to do this. Well, as Christians, we know that this “prompting” is often the Holy Spirit speaking to us to reach out and minister in some way.

This could be through the sending of a letter, or card, or performing a “random act of kindness” to bless someone in need. Some great ideas for this can be found at www.servantevangelism.com.

If you say you are going to send the person a note, or follow up with a phone call, or show up at a certain time, then be a keeper of your word. James 5:13 – “Above all, my brothers, do not swear–not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your “Yes” be yes, and your “No,” no, or you will be condemned.”

While ministry leaders are busy, and rightly so, there can be nothing so discouraging for a person to sit and wait for an expected phone call that was promised in service on Sunday!

None of us will ever have the perfect memory, yet we don't want to develop a character trait of forgetfulness that in turn will be seen as a non-caring attitude.

Use reminder tools such as Outlook, or PDA's, or just an old fashioned notebook! (Just don't forget to check your notebook!)


Church Letter Writing Tip 11

Each Church Letter Writing Tip builds off an acrostic based on the words “Church Letters”.  At the bottom of each tip is a free sample church letter which may be used within your own church communications.  This letter may not be posted on any competitive website.

Church Letter Writing Tip 11


Our eleventh lesson in “13 Tips For Church Letter Writing Success” will build off the letter “E” in our Church Letters acrostic.

So far, we have looked at the following:
C – Be Clear
H – Be Hopeful
U – Be Understanding
R – Be Responsive
C – Be Consistent
H – Be Helpful

L – Be “Letter-Ready”
E – Be Evangelistic
T – Be Tactful
T – Be Timely

Today, we will take a look at:

E – Be Energetic


If you are conveying an important message, whether in spoken or written form, it is important to be as energetic about it as possible without being “fake”.

How does this happen? Asking God to communicate the importance of the opportunity to you, then sharing in a way that will make the person feel like you are not just “doing your job”.

Eccles. 9:10a – “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” If what you are doing with your hand is typing or writing, or even make a great point in a sermon, be energetic in your approach.

Use an exclamation point or two in your letter! This one little character adds “character”, and helps you to illustrate in a greater way the message you are attempting to deliver.

Even the “quote” “unquote” can be used to great effectiveness, yet this can be also be overused to the point where someone wonders if you really “mean” what you are “saying”. I “hope” you “get” the “point”!

Anyway, don't hesitate to add your own personal flair and energy to a letter whether it is a pre-written letter, or one you have written from scratch.


Church Letter Writing Tip 12

Each Church Letter Writing Tip builds off an acrostic based on the words “Church Letters”.  At the bottom of each tip is a free sample church letter which may be used within your own church communications.  This letter may not be posted on any competitive website.

Church Letter Writing Tip 12


Our twelfth lesson in “13 Tips For Church Letter Writing Success” will build off the letter “R” in our Church Letters

So far, we have looked at the following:
C – Be Clear
H – Be Hopeful
U – Be Understanding
R – Be Responsive
C – Be Consistent
H – Be Helpful

L – Be “Letter-Ready”
E – Be Evangelistic
T – Be Tactful
T – Be Timely
E – Be Energetic

Today, we will take a look at:

R – Be Right


People do not want to be viewed as just “people”, they want to be seen and known as “individuals” and certainly do not want to feel like a number when they are part of a church body.

This is a great challenge for every leader, and that is to

communicate on a personal level with those in your congregation.

A most unpleasant scenario would be to write a letter to “John” when the man's name is actually “Steve”, or most likely you have received letters such as: Dear (First Name).

While most churches now utilize Mail Merge operations today and most people know it, there is still something about receiving a letter like this that makes it highly offensive especially within the church body.

Personally, I've made this mistake in writing these e-mails, and while I recognize that most of the hundreds of people receiving e-mails realize these are not written one by one, it still is something that shouldn't happen! So if it has happened to you, thanks for your forgiveness.

One thing that I need to point out here is when you are using the resources of churchletters.net or churchcards.net to be sure to change some of the information that appears in each letter. For instance, your church name may, or may not be, “First Christian Church” as you see in all the letters. This is our “generic” church name, so be SURE to edit that when sending letters. Also, not many of you are named Pastor John Doe, so again, be SURE to edit the letters you send for accuracy instead of just copying and pasting.


Church Letter Writing Tip 13

Each Church Letter Writing Tip builds off an acrostic based on the words “Church Letters”.  At the bottom of each tip is a free sample church letter which may be used within your own church communications.  This letter may not be posted on any competitive website.

Church Letter Writing Tip 13


Our thirteenth and final lesson in “13 Tips For Church Letter Writing Success” will build off the letter “S” in our Church
Letters acrostic.

So far, we have looked at the following:
C – Be Clear
H – Be Hopeful
U – Be Understanding
R – Be Responsive
C – Be Consistent
H – Be Helpful

L – Be “Letter-Ready”
E – Be Evangelistic
T – Be Tactful
T – Be Timely
E – Be Energetic
R – Be Right

Today, we will take a look at:

S – Be Scriptural


In writing Church Letters it is always of great benefit to share a particular passage of scripture that may be applicable to their situation at the time. In a very difficult circumstance, you can share that “God works all things together for good…”, or “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning”.

Simply be aware of the situation, and mindful of any scriptures that will provide hope or healing, and encouragement.

Take a few moments to listen for the prompting of the Holy Spirit as you determine what scripture to place in the letter. As Ministry leaders, we must STILL believe God speaks to our hearts today as we assist others in the journey to heaven.

