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Special Offering for Hurricane Florence Disaster Relief

Dear Friends,

I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Many of you have watched as I have, the heartbreaking video and pictures of the effects of Hurricane Florence. While much the impact has been particularly devastating in North Carolina, we know that South Carolina has also been impacted.

While there have been some deaths reported, much of the damage is coming from the epic flooding taking place. Even as flood waters recede and people return back to their homes, we know they will be facing the daunting task of rebuilding and restoring their residences.

I'm of the firm belief that the church leads the way and sets the example in situations like this and while we have helped in the past, we should do our best to help again.

Now, we know of course that we are not able to meet every need that comes our way, and while we cannot do “everything”, I believe all of us can do “something”. While all may not “go”, I believe all can “give”.

1 John 3:17 says this; If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him?

Now, we know of course that we are not able to meet every need that comes our way, and while we cannot do “everything”, I believe all of us can do “something”. While all may not “go”, I believe all can “give”.

With this in mind, we will be receiving a special love offering on Sunday (DATE) in the morning service which will go to (NAME OF CHARITY). I realize many of you may have already given to a charity of your choice and that is wonderful, but this opportunity is being given to those who are unsure where to give. We are well acquainted with this Charity we will be giving to and feel very comfortable the money will be used in some way to be a blessing to those who have gone through so much tragedy and hurt.

Our greatest desire is to share the love of Jesus Christ with people, yet that often comes first through the sharing of some tangible gift which in turn helps the person to turn away from a feeling of hopelessness and begin to focus on the task ahead of rebuilding their lives. This can be, and I believe will be, a time for the church of Jesus Christ to shine His love into the darkness of the moment.

Without a doubt, Government and Municipalities can be a great help but as always, churches and ministry groups are leading the way and we want to do our part because every “little bit helps”!

Some of the Christian based Charities we highly recommend are the following:

Samaritan’s Purse (
Christ in Action (
Convoy of Hope (

If however, you choose to give on Sunday here at (NAME OF CHURCH), please be sure to write your check out to the church. We will then make one check out from the church to send to the Charity we indicated in the early part of this letter.

Matthew 25:40 And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’

Most of all, please continue to pray for those impacted by this event and thank you so much for your generous prayers and giving.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor John Doe

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