Welcome to one of the most popular categories on our site! Church Donation Letters can be easily modified to fit within the context of your particular ministry. Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience. They will be a great addition to your present “toolbox” of ministry helps as you inspire people!
I am writing briefly to our entire congregation during this time of Stewardship Emphasis at First Christian Church. I want to express appreciation for your faithfulness over the years in generous giving of Tithes and Offerings.
It is evident that the Hand of God is upon this congregation. The obvious tangible evidence is all around us!
Many of our members and adherents can testify to the faithfulness of God in their own lives as they have given to the Lord a Tithe (tenth) of their income to their local church. Numerous verses in the Old Testament refer to the practice of tithing. Jesus Himself in the New Testament told of the importance of tithing when He rebuked the Hypocritical Pharisees. Luke 11:42 – But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Once again we are enjoying the beauty of God's creation all around us as the transition is made from Summer to Fall, and then from Fall to Winter.
We live in such a beautiful part of the country as the Autumn leaves fill the trees with brilliant colors making the hills look like gigantic multi-colored flowers!
It is such an exciting time to be part of the congregation at Christian Life Church. As we approach this new season and focus on our building project, we are looking for qualified members to join our Building Committee.
The Summer Months are here and many of our families are looking forward to their vacations as they pack up and head to various areas of the country. While there are many who tend to just enjoy being “homebodies”, many do enjoy getting away if at all possible.
As part of the leadership team here at (NAME OF CHURCH), we wanted to send this letter of thanks to our church family to express our deepest appreciation for your participation in this very special day in which we showed our love for our Pastor staff and families.