Welcome to one of the most popular categories on our site! Church Donation Letters can be easily modified to fit within the context of your particular ministry. Written by a Pastor with over 35 years of ministry experience. They will be a great addition to your present “toolbox” of ministry helps as you inspire people!
We just opened the mail and were happily surprised to discover your generous donation to CHURCH NAME.
On behalf of the staff and people of CHURCH NAME, I would like to thank you for your gift of $___ to our ministry. Your financial support helps us carry out our mission of MISSION STATEMENT HERE and in helping those in need here in LOCATION.
Enclosed you will find your Church giving report for the past year of (YEAR). We want to thank you so much for your generous support.
On behalf of the leadership here at (NAME OF CHURCH), as well as the entire congregation, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your faithfulness in giving.
That time of year is upon us again. It is the time of great joy and good cheer. As Christmas approaches, we as the Church reflect upon the greatest gift imaginable, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Undoubtedly, many of you have already made plans and done your shopping. Perhaps you have already purchased or made that special something for someone close to you. This is one of the joys of the Christmas season, but have you considered why we give at Christmas?
Winter is rapidly approaching, and with winter comes the cold temperatures that present such a challenge for our homeless population.
For the past six years, FCC has been able to partner with Outreach Ministries, an organization dedicated to serving the homeless here in our city. Outreach provides weekly meals, counseling services, legal advice and social services to people who find themselves living on the streets. They also hold weekly Bible studies and a church service on Sunday mornings.
We are thrilled with the wonderful things taking place here at (NAME OF CHURCH), and are looking forward to even greater things in the future!
As you know, we are in the midst of a fundraising campaign to help with much-needed funds here at the church. While many within our church have been very generous in giving on a regular basis through donations, we are still at a place in which we must raise funds due to a shortfall.