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Christmas Letter – Miracle Offering

Christmas Greetings!

As the Christmas Season is now upon us, I am writing a letter to you that has been in my heart for some time now.

While we don't like to share often concerning the financial needs here at (NAME OF CHURCH), the leadership has sensed this would be an appropriate time to reach out in honesty and, yes, even a sense of urgency.

While we are mindful of the faithful and consistent giving of so many within our congregation, lately our financial challenges have become more of a concern than usual.


Letter Encouraging Christmas Offering for Pastor and Staff

Dear Friends,

Once again, we come to this very special time of the year in which we celebrate and appreciate the birth of Jesus Christ. In this season, we do our best to reach out and be a blessing to our families, as well as others who mean a lot to us.

On behalf of the Church Board/Council, I would like to extend an invitation to the congregation of (NAME OF CHURCH) to show our love and appreciationto the Pastor(s) and Staff who continue to serve us so faithfully and go “above and beyond” in so many ways to be a blessing to us.

The Bible says; 1 Timothy 5:17 (NKJV) 17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.


“Giving Tuesday” Letter for Church Giving

Greetings in Christ!

God is good! All the time!

The Bible tells us this in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV) 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I know that may seem like a challenging thing to do, but if we took time to think about the blessings of God in our lives, we would be far better off than dwelling on the things we see as unfavorable. There have been many times in my life that the difficult things have turned into blessings!


Missions Sunday Follow Up – Faith Promises

Dear ___________,

Praise the Lord for a great Faith Promise Sunday as the Choir presented the Missions Musical, followed by a time of making Faith Promises for our Missions giving for the year _______.


I’m happy to report to you that total Faith Promises received so far exceeds $_____________ for next year’s Missions Giving!

As I said prior to receiving the Faith Promises, we are presently committed to pledges of about $_____________ to Missions.  Please pray for wisdom as we evaluate where the funds will be allocated in (YEAR).  As you know, our Missionaries totally depend on the support from individual churches like ours to raise their budget BEFORE they are able to go to their respective Missions appointments.

