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Love Offering Announcement Letter – Pastor Appreciation Day

Greetings in Christ,

On behalf of our Pastor Appreciation Day Committee, I wanted to send you this note as we look forward to celebrating our Pastors' ministry here at (NAME OF CHURCH) during the month of (MONTH).

We believe one of the more tangible things we can do for our Pastor(s) is to receive a love offering for Pastor Appreciation Day. While we do, of course, pay them regularly, this is an “over and above” blessing!

We will be receiving this love offering on Sunday morning (DATE) in our morning service. Of course, this is just one of the ways that we as a church body can appreciate those in leadership over us, and we would encourage you to bring a card expressing your appreciation for their ministry.


End of Summer Stewardship Letter

Warm Greetings!

Well, here we are at the end of another Summer.

For most of us, the summer months never seem to quite last long enough, especially for students on break from classes, or others who enjoy long walks on the beach during vacation.

Life was never meant to be lived in fast forward without pausing for times of refreshing and relaxation, so I believe it is important to find a way somehow to take a break when you are able.


Second Quarter Giving Report Letter

Greetings in Christ!

I am sharing your giving report for the second quarter of (YEAR).

You may want to take a few moments to look over this report and compare it with your records for accuracy.

We are so grateful to you and everyone who continues to give generously to (NAME OF CHURCH). These gifts help us continue to meet the operational needs of the church, as well as outreach ministries and missions.


Letter of Encouragement during Inflation

Warm Greetings in Christ!

God is good ALL the time!

As we continue to maneuver through challenging times in our nation and the world, I thought it would be of value to send a note to encourage you.

With each passing day, we are confronted with higher prices on every hand. Gas and fuel prices have impacted every one of us in ways we could not have predicted unless we experienced it first-hand. We seem to be “turning the corner” as far as the pandemic is concerned, but now we are dealing with unprecedented inflation.

