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Appeal to Assist Financially During Holidays to Bless Families

Dear (NAME),

Warm Holiday Greetings!

With the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays just around the corner, we are taking this opportunity to send a note to all who attend here at (NAME OF CHURCH) so that we might share a very special way to get involved in being a blessing to someone in need.

As you know, this time of year not only is a tremendous time of celebrating our thankfulness to the Lord as well as celebrating His birth, but even in the midst of all the festivities that take place, we are often reminded of the difficulties people go through as well. While the intention for families is not usually the desire to “keep up with the Jones’s” so to speak, there is a desire on the part of parents to bless their children with a few gifts.


Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Offering

Greetings in Christ,

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is on (DATE), and this year we will be receiving a special offering for our local crisis pregnancy center by the name of (NAME OF CENTER).

Most of you who are part of this community know the tremendous work they do as they serve young ladies who are pregnant. Some of the ways they bless our community is by providing much-needed counseling and encouragement. Also, the ladies receive supplies for their children, such as diapers, baby bottles, strollers, and car seats.


Raise Money for Church Playground

Greetings in Christ!

It has often been said that “Children are the church of the future.” While that may be true to an extent, I would choose to differ with that idea as an absolute.

We here at (FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH) believe they are also the church of “now”! So we are happy to have a church filled with people who see the value of reaching the next generation for Jesus.

As adults, most of us can remember back when we were children the joy of spending time on the playground. Whether it was at school or the local playground, it was an exciting time for the children. In addition, parents could spend some valuable time connecting while the children played.


Quarterly Giving Report for Church – Quarter 2 (July)

Dear (NAME),

I enjoy a wonderful story, and I think you will too, as it shares the heart of a person who has caught the true spirit of giving.

An African boy listened carefully as the teacher explained why it is that Christians give presents to each other on Christmas Day. “The gift is an expression of our joy over the birth of Jesus and our friendship for each other,” she said. The boy brought the teacher a seashell of lustrous beauty when Christmas Day came.

