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Encouragement During Financial Downturn in Economy


I wanted to take a moment to send a letter to the church body to give you some words of encouragement during these very challenging months as America and the world continue to struggle with economic hardship.

First of all, let me remind you of the most generous gift you and I have ever received, and that is the gift of our Salvation.  With this wonderful gift, we also have the reminder of the reality that this world is not our home, and that we are just passing through.  For those who depend on the world and it's system to make us “happy”, then this may not be good news, however, for those of us who have Christ as the source of our joy, we can truly rejoice that one day we will finally be home.


Returned Check Letter to Donor

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blue:

In First Thessalonians we read, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks.”

I give thanks for you and your faithfulness in tithing to the Lord through our church. It is a noble and honorable thing in the sight of God that we give back to Him, His church and the mission of it.