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Thank You for Serving on Church Pastoral Search Committee


I know there have been many hours of prayer, study, and thoughtful discussion taking place during this search for a new pastor. I know that the committee has been working hard to listen to and follow God’s leading. To serve on the committee requires one to put aside their own interests in order to spiritually discern what is right and best and God’s true calling for the church. After all, you are seeking the Lord’s guidance and direction on who it is, exactly, that He is calling to be the next pastor of CHURCH NAME. We trust that, through Christ’s leading, the committee has found/will find the right person will come to serve CHURCH NAME as our new pastor.


Thank You for Serving on Missions Committee

Thank You for Serving on Missions Committee

Dear (First Name),

On behalf of the congregation of FCC, I want to take this opportunity to say Thank you for your willingness to serve on the Missions Committee during this upcoming year.

As a body, we have been blessed with your wisdom and dedication to the church, serving faithfully and always reaching above and beyond what is asked of you to help further the message of the Gospel. Your passion for bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world is evident in everything you do, and we are so blessed to have your experience and wisdom as we seek new ways to fulfill the Great Commission this year at FCC.


Thank You to Church Board Member

Dear (First Name),

On behalf of the congregation of FCC, I want to take this opportunity to say Thank you for your willingness to serve as a Church Board Member during this upcoming year.

As a body, we have been blessed with your wisdom and dedication to the church, serving faithfully and always reaching above and beyond what is asked of you to help further the Kingdom of God. Your passion for bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world is evident in everything you do, and we are so blessed to have your experience and wisdom as we seek new ways to reach out to our community and our world.

