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Usher Invitation Letter

What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the Family of God!

It is exciting to look around each Sunday and see new faces join us for worship whether it be through regular attendance, or just visiting for a service.

God has been so good to First Christian Church, and we are trusting that the days ahead will be ones of many victories not only for the church, but also for each and every family or individual who calls this their church home.


Pastor Board Retreat Invitation

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blue:

I am writing to invite you to a weekend Pastor/Board Retreat to be held on Friday, __________, at ____P.M. at the _____________.

This retreat will be a time of fellowship and fun as well as a time to access our ministry, share ideas and the vision we have for our church’s future. We will be conducting a ministry evaluation and see where we have been, where we are and where we are going as a church.

