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Letter of Encouragement Following Chemotherapy

Dear __________________:

I wanted to write to you today because I heard that you recently started chemotherapy and I wanted to make sure that you knew that I was praying for you and standing with you during this time.  I am sure that this time of your life is stressful and anxious and I wanted to try and share some encouragement with you too in this brief note.


Letter to Parents – Diagnosis of Cancer in Child

Dear __________________:

I wanted to write to you today because I heard that you recently got some very troubling news about (child’s name)’s health and I wanted you to know how concerned I am and that I am earnestly praying for a miraculous and quick healing.  Moments like this can just shake us to our core and I know that there is little else on earth that move’s us like the health and wellbeing of a child. 


Cancer Diagnosis of Child – Letter to Child

Dear __________________:

I heard that you recently received some scary news from your Doctors and I wanted to write you a note to let you know that I am praying hard for your quick recovery!  Sometimes, it is hard for us to figure out why tough things like this happen to such wonderful people like you but I know that God cares for you more than you know and has your life and future in His hands.


Encouragement to Shut In (1)

Dear Church Member:

Life is full of daily challenges, obstacles, disappointments, and other events that tend to isolate us, drain our energy, and even make us apathetic.  During times when we are unable to get out of our homes and interact with others, conduct our routine tasks, or attend church to fellowship with others, we may become depressed and feel inclined to withdraw from others even further. 


Encouragement Letter to Sick/Terminally Ill

I write to you briefly to let you know that I am praying for you during this difficult moment in your life that you battle this terrible disease.

All of our hearts here at First Christian Church go out to you, and while we may not be able to take all of your pain “away”, we trust that our Lord will be a wonderful source of comfort and strength to you.

