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Missionary Thank You Letter (Church Plant Theme)

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

We are writing to thank you for the prayers you have and are continuing to offer up to God on our behalf. We know the power of prayer, and our ministry is growing by leaps and bounds.

Due to the financial help of you and other Christian people who have helped us, we have been able to build a church in an isolated area where there has never been one of any kind before.  There are many of the local people who are attending church services simply out of curiosity and we don’t care as long as they come – we will tell them about Jesus.


Missionary Thank You Letter (Everlasting God Theme)

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

We are writing to update you on some of the things we are accomplishing on the mission field where we serve.

These are tough economic times, not just in America, but all over the world. In Isaiah 54:10 we read, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord who has compassion on you.”


Missionary Thank You Letter (Great God Theme)

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

I hope that this letter finds that you are doing well.

Thank you for the prayers and support you have sent my way. I am so extremely grateful to friends like you who have clothed me in prayer as I work in the mission field. He is a great God that we serve and He is able to do great things. I am blessed and fortunate to be able to see some of those things firsthand:


Missionary Thank You Letter (Protection Theme)

Mr. and Mrs. David Smith 1234 Right Way Fort Worth, Texas 00000

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

Family, friends and fellow church members are constantly offering to help us but often say they don’t know how. While there are many ways you can help through sending toiletry items, canned goods or a financial contribution, you can also pray for us and the work that God has sent us to do.