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Encouragement for Team Members to Honor Team Leader with Monetary Gift

Dear Team Members,

It hardly seems possible, but the (NAME OF CONFERENCE) is almost here!  I don't know about you, but I'm getting excited about all the things God will do through this event, and of course, seeing lives changed for His glory!

This has been (and will continue to be) a lot of work for all of us, yet I'm reminded of the old saying “many hands make light work”. 


Encouragement to Put God First in Life – God Will Provide

Dear (NAME),

In a world of mixed-up priorities, it is so essential to make frequent “trips” to the Word of God so that we can once again be reminded of the vital importance of allowing God first place in our lives.

When we study Matthew Chapter 6, we see that the Lord talked about material needs which they had then, and we have now. Needs for things such as food and clothing. Of course, there are other needs, such as shelter and love, and more, yet the principle of Matthew 6 shows that God is a providing God.

