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Encouragement for Team Members to Honor Team Leader with Monetary Gift

Dear Team Members,

It hardly seems possible, but the (NAME OF CONFERENCE) is almost here!  I don't know about you, but I'm getting excited about all the things God will do through this event, and of course, seeing lives changed for His glory!

This has been (and will continue to be) a lot of work for all of us, yet I'm reminded of the old saying “many hands make light work”. 


Invitation to Pastors Wife Appreciation

Dear Sisters,

I am writing to you in order to invite you to a special appreciation fellowship for our pastors wife.  Pastor Doe is not the only one who makes sacrifices for the good of First Christian Church.

We thought a fellowship in her honor would be a most appropriate way to show Mrs. Doe how much we love and appreciate all that she does.  The manner in which she supports Pastor Doe’s ministry results in blessings for all of us.