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Independence Day Reminder of Importance

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blue:

This year as we celebrate July 4th, Independence Day, let us remember the men and women who have fought and died for the freedom that we enjoy in this country each and every day.

There is much to be said for freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to be whom and what we choose to be are all a part of the American Dream. With freedom came a great price for many who have gone on before us and we must always be grateful to them.


Friend Day – Encourage Church to Invite Friends

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blue:

In two weeks, we will be hosting our Annual Friend Day at church. Each year, we ask all of our members to invite your friends to a specific day of worship with you at our church. Each year we have been blessed with a multitude of people who come and worship the Lord with us. It is always a wonderful time of fellowship and fun.

