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Tornado Relief Appeal Letter

As we are all painfully aware, our community has been devastated by serious tornadoes.  While we are thankful that the human toll was low, we must not forget the many members of our community who lost everything they own.  For this reason, I am asking those who can to make a special offering that will be used to help the victims of the tornadoes.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose everything: family photographs, wedding albums, the kid’s first drawings….it would be such a time of trial.  To suffer such a loss and to also have to deal with not having the most basic of necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing would be so difficult.

While some items certainly can’t be replaced, I’d like for First Christian Church to do what we can.  We often hear the phrase “do unto others” quoted, and this is a perfect situation to take that attitude to heart.

If it were your family, wouldn’t you want others to step up and lend a hand in helping you get back on your feet?  As the church, this is part of our obligation and a wonderful opportunity to show God’s love through our actions.

I look forward to the opportunity to bless the lives of those most affected by the tornadoes, and I hope that you will do what you can  to bring blessings to those who have lost so much.

Thank you in advance for being prayerful about giving to this worthy cause.

In Christ,

Pastor John Doe

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