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Special Offering for Hurricane Harvey Church Letter

Dear Friends,

I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Many of you have watched as I have, the disaster that has unfolded in the State of Texas.  Words such as “epic” and “unprecedented” are being used to describe an event many of us have never even imagined we would see unfold in our lifetime.  Some have said that it is not just a 100-year flood, but that it's in the 500-800 year range.

It has been heartbreaking to watch as families are escaping the flood waters (not all have escaped), with just a pair of shoes and a back pack to take with them to the nearest shelter where they will receive much-needed assistance at least temporarily.  Children look at their surroundings in bewilderment, but to be quite honest, adults are doing the same thing.  1 John 3:17 says this; If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him?


Invitation to Volunteer for Disaster Relief Team

Greetings in Christ!

We as a church are praying for the recent disaster in (NAME OF PLACE), where property was greatly damaged, and even lives were lost.

While we believe prayers are vital to people getting through this with the help of God, we realize also that many people are hurting in ways that require our physical and material help.

There is an opportunity that will be available to go to the affected area and participate in the cleanup as well as to provide encouraging words and prayers directly with the people. While there is much work that will be done, we believe if someone just needs support through listening, we will be that support!

I appreciate this little story about the importance of human interaction in times of need:
Timmy was very afraid of the lightning and the thunder. His mom and dad went into his room during a thunderstorm and said, “Now, Timmy, don't be afraid. God is right here in the room with you.”
He said, “Okay, Mommy and Daddy, I won't be afraid.”
But then as the mommy and daddy went into their room and started to get ready for bed, the lightning clapped, and the thunder rolled, and Timmy screamed bloody murder. Timmy's daddy and mommy went back into the room and said, “Honey, we thought we told you, you don't need to be afraid. God is right here in the room with you.”
Timmy said, “Mommy and Daddy, I know God is right here in the room
with me, but I need someone with skin on.”

Many people we will minister to are praying in a similar way, so let's be the ones with “skin on” to help meet the need.

A signup sheet will be available at the welcome center in the foyer, or if you would like to give us a call to sign up now, please don't hesitate to contact the church for more details.

Gal. 6:2 – Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Blessings in Christ!
Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by https://churchletters.org (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Letter to Church – Love Offering for Philippines Disaster Relief (FREE Letter)

As many of you know, the Philippines recently suffered with a tremendous disaster called Typhoon Haiyan in which many lives were lost, and massive destruction took place as the wind and rain wreaked havoc upon homes, businesses and property.

PHILIPPINES-DISASTER-RELIEF-640x360You have seen many of the pictures of the destruction like I have, and know the repairs and reconstruction will take place for years to come.

Our primary desire at this point is to reach those who are in need of the basics of life which includes food and water, as well as shelter from the elements.

With this in mind, we are going to be receiving a special love offering for the Philippines on (DATE), and the funds will be sent to (NAME OF CHARITY) for proper distribution.  We have used (NAME OF CHARITY) many times in the past for times like this, and trust they will use the funds as intended so that many lives will be touched.

I have found that when the need is personal that we respond in a much more compassionate way.  In other words, if we know members of our family are in need, we will do everything within our power to minister to them and alleviate their pain.

Jesus made sure we knew how to “personalize” these situations when he gave us the following verse of scripture: Matthew 25:37-40 (NIV) 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40 “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

When we realize our gifts of sacrifice and love are ultimately for the Lord it helps us to personalize our giving, especially when we have a personal relationship with Christ!

Of course, we can't meet the entire need however, we are able to do “something” that will be a blessing to someone in need!

I encourage you to be in prayer concerning what your gift will be, then be prepared on (DATE) to give in this special love offering.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by https://churchletters.org (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Storm Disaster – Appeal To Church To Help Community


As we are all painfully aware, our community has been devastated by a serious storm.  While we are thankful that the human toll was minimum, we must not forget the many members of our community who lost everything they own.  For this reason, I am asking those who can to make a special offering that will be used to help the victims of the this storm.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose everything: family photographs, wedding albums, the kid’s first drawings….it would be such a time of trial.  To suffer such a loss and to also have to deal with not having the most basic of necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing would be so difficult.

While some items certainly can’t be replaced, I’d like for First Christian Church to do what we can.  We often hear the phrase “do unto others” quoted, and this is a perfect situation to take that attitude to heart.

If it were your family, wouldn’t you want others to step up and lend a hand in helping you get back on your feet?  As the church, this is part of our obligation and a wonderful opportunity to show God’s love through our actions.

I look forward to the opportunity to bless the lives of those most affected by the storm, and I hope that you will do what you can  to bring blessings to those who have lost so much.

Thank you in advance for being prayerful about giving to this worthy cause.

In Christ,

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by https://churchletters.org (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries

Hurricane Sandy Donation Appeal – (Outside of Community)


As we are all painfully aware, many people have been devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  While we are thankful that the human toll was low, we must not forget the many people in these areas of our Country who lost everything they own, and for a family who lost a loved one, the toll was extremely high.  For this reason, I am asking those who can to make a special offering that will be used to help the victims of the hurricane.

Please note:  We will be sending the money given through this effort to Convoy of Hope, who will serve as the conduit of blessing from you to those who have been in the path of this storm.  (Use any Charity here you are comfortable with).

I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose everything: family photographs, wedding albums, the kid’s first drawings….it would be such a time of trial.  To suffer such a loss and to also have to deal with not having the most basic of necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing would be so difficult.  No doubt, you and I will probably never get to meet the people we bless through this time of giving, rest assured, we are serving a wonderful Lord who sees and knows our hearts as we reach out to be a blessing.

Matthew 6:19-21 (KJV) 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

While some items certainly can’t be replaced, I’d like for First Christian Church to do what we can.  We often hear the phrase “do unto others” quoted, and this is a perfect situation to take that attitude to heart.

If it were your family, wouldn’t you want others to step up and lend a hand in helping you get back on your feet?  As the church, this is part of our obligation and a wonderful opportunity to show God’s love through our actions.

I look forward to the opportunity to bless the lives of those most affected by the hurricane, and I hope that you will do what you can  to bring blessings to those who have lost so much.

Thank you in advance for being prayerful about giving to this worthy cause.

In Christ,

Pastor John Doe

Copyright – Disaster Relief Letters are free to churches and ministries to use.  If used on a website by any other entity, please include the following credit with link to our site:
Disaster Relief Letter provided by https://churchletters.org (Please link)
Over 1,000 Church Letters for Ministries